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red bull minas – april 17-20, 2016
Belo Horizonte, brazil
Throttle Entertainment heads to Belo Horizonte for the 1st annual Red Bull Minas Hard Enduro. This 4-day rally takes place in a giant gold mine where the world's best riders like Graham Jarvis, Jonny Walker, Alfredo Gomez and many others will square off in the first event of the series. Look for highlight clips and coverage at redbull.com/motorsports.

RED BULL romaniacs – july 12-16, 2016
sibiu, romania
The world's toughest Hard Enduro rally takes place in the Transylvania valley each year as the world's best descend upon the city of Sibiu, Romania. The Red Bull Romaniacs is a 5-day rally of man and machine against terrain on a timeclock. Finishing this race is like winning. Look for highlight clips and coverage at redbull.com/motorsports… or for the race’s official website, visit www.redbullromaniacs.com

RED BULL 111 MEGAWATT – SEPTember 17-18, 2016
Now in it’s 3rd edition, 111 Megawatt is the brainchild of 5-time Erzbergrodeo winner and 5-time Super Enduro World Champion. This two day event located on a giant coal mine in Belchatow, Poland, kicks off with a dual qualifying run on a Motocross track and then on an Endurocross track. The top 500 riders with the best times advance to the second day Main Event... 4 hours of non-stop till-you-drop racing comprised of 3 sections: Motocross, Extreme Enduro and Endurocross. Each section is roughly 21km which totals about 60km per lap. It’s the biggest mass-start enduro race held in Poland with over 30,000 spectators! Check out highlight coverage from the event at redbull.com/motorsports.
For more information about the race, visit www.redbull.com/111megawatt

RED BULL SEA TO SKY – OCTOber 6-8, 2016
Kemer, Turkey
Throttle Entertainment and Red Bull Mediahouse will be on site for the most enjoyable Hard Enduro in the world. A 3-day race that starts on the beach, runs through the forest and then a race from the sea to the sky at 2300 meters in elevation! Look for highlight clips and coverage at redbull.com/motorsports… or for the race’s official website, visit www.redbullseatosky.com

THE ROOF OF AFRICA – november 30 - december 2, 2016 – lesotho, south africa
Throttle Entertainment goes back to the Mother of all Hard Enduros at the Roof of Africa. Held in the Kingdom of Lesotho, this 3-day race heads journeys the riders through some of the most difficult and beautiful landscapes on earth. Not only one of the toughest but also one of the most rewarding races for those who can finish! Look for highlight clips and coverage at redbull.com/motorsports... or for the race’s official website, visit www.roofofafrica.info